dimecres, 21 de gener del 2009

What´s the date today?

Els alumnes de 3r repasem tots els dies com es diu la data en anglés. Ací vos ho ensenyem a tots:
Today is ___(day)____ , _(number)_ of ___(month)___
Today is monday 1rt of January
Today is tuesday 2nd February
Today is wednesday 3rd March
... ... ...
També parlem de l´oratge que fa:
It´s _(weather)__
It´s sunny
It´s raining

Tongue twister 6th year

Here you have some of the tongue twister we have seen in class. Can you say them without getting your tongue-tied? (you must recite them at least five times without stopping!!)

Riddles about animals

It lives in the ocean
It doesn´t live in the forest
It eats small fish
It doesn´t eat leaves
It can swim and do acrobatics
It can´t walk
What is it?
Clue: It is blue and very nice with the people
It´s a ...

It lives in the jungle
It doesn´t live in the savannah
It eats leaves and fruit
It doesn´t eat meat
It can fly, sleep during the day and come out durind the night
What is it?
Clue: It is black and it has got a special skin
It´s a...

It lives in the jungle in Asia
It doesn´t live in the wood
It eats meat, but when it is hungry, it also eat fish
It doesn´t eat insects
It can run very fast and see very well
It can´t sing
What is it?
Clue: It is yellow and black
It´s a...

Solutions: dolphin, colugo, tiger