Look at this!
dimarts, 10 de febrer del 2009
The little English Library
Contents 6th year
Here you have some of the contents we have seen or we will see during the 6th year.The themes are:
School objects
School activities
Leisure-time activities
Parts of a town
Parts of a house
Things in a house
Food and drink
Holiday things
In the future
Describing people
Hope this help you to revise
School objects
School activities
Leisure-time activities
Parts of a town
Parts of a house
Things in a house
Food and drink
Holiday things
In the future
Describing people
Hope this help you to revise
Contents 5th year
Here you have some of the contents we have seen or we will see during the 5th year.
The themes are:
Free time
Animal food
The time
The weather
Hope this help you to revise
The themes are:
Free time
Animal food
The time
The weather
Hope this help you to revise
divendres, 6 de febrer del 2009
The Clown
dijous, 5 de febrer del 2009
Food, hobbies and face
dimecres, 4 de febrer del 2009
Mercat Solidari
Els Nadals ens tornen a tots més generosos amb els que no tenen, per això en l´escola La Mola organitzàrem el Vé Mercat solidari on es venen manualitats fetes pels propis alumnes i llibres, joguets, etc. que de manera altruista duen els alumnes. A tots aquestos objectes se´ls assigna unpreu simbòlic, i amb els diners que s´han arreplegat s´ha ajudat diverses associacions que es dediquen a les persones més desafavorides socialment i econòmicament (Cáritas, Intermon Oxfam...)
Com que estic adscrita al segon cicle, vaig col.laborar amb els alumnes de 3r i 4t. Ací em teniu mig amagada darrere de la mestra de 5é A
Com que estic adscrita al segon cicle, vaig col.laborar amb els alumnes de 3r i 4t. Ací em teniu mig amagada darrere de la mestra de 5é A
Excursió a la Serra D´Irta
dimarts, 3 de febrer del 2009
The numbers
dimecres, 21 de gener del 2009
What´s the date today?
Els alumnes de 3r repasem tots els dies com es diu la data en anglés. Ací vos ho ensenyem a tots:
Today is ___(day)____ , _(number)_ of ___(month)___
Today is ___(day)____ , _(number)_ of ___(month)___
Today is monday 1rt of January
Today is tuesday 2nd February
Today is wednesday 3rd March
... ... ...
També parlem de l´oratge que fa:
It´s _(weather)__
It´s sunny
It´s raining
Tongue twister 6th year
Riddles about animals
It lives in the ocean
It doesn´t live in the forest
It eats small fish
It doesn´t eat leaves
It can swim and do acrobatics
It can´t walk
What is it?
Clue: It is blue and very nice with the people
It´s a ...
It lives in the jungle
It doesn´t live in the savannah
It eats leaves and fruit
It doesn´t eat meat
It can fly, sleep during the day and come out durind the night
What is it?
Clue: It is black and it has got a special skin
It´s a...
It lives in the jungle in Asia
It doesn´t live in the wood
It eats meat, but when it is hungry, it also eat fish
It doesn´t eat insects
It can run very fast and see very well
It can´t sing
What is it?
Clue: It is yellow and black
It´s a...
Solutions: dolphin, colugo, tiger
It doesn´t live in the forest
It eats small fish
It doesn´t eat leaves
It can swim and do acrobatics
It can´t walk
What is it?
Clue: It is blue and very nice with the people
It´s a ...
It lives in the jungle
It doesn´t live in the savannah
It eats leaves and fruit
It doesn´t eat meat
It can fly, sleep during the day and come out durind the night
What is it?
Clue: It is black and it has got a special skin
It´s a...
It lives in the jungle in Asia
It doesn´t live in the wood
It eats meat, but when it is hungry, it also eat fish
It doesn´t eat insects
It can run very fast and see very well
It can´t sing
What is it?
Clue: It is yellow and black
It´s a...
Solutions: dolphin, colugo, tiger
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)